Bids & Proposals
Current Bid Opportunities
Listed below are our current bid opportunities.
There are no proposals available at this time.
Competitive Bid Process
The City’s Purchasing Agent coordinates the competitive bid process for the purchase or sale of goods, services, equipment, and materials for all departments of the City of Pittsburg. The City maintains a weighted local preference policy to support businesses in the corporate city limits.
Bid Openings
Bid openings will be conducted in a public setting on the Tuesday before a regular City Commission meeting at a time and place published in the official bid documents. Temporary note and bond bids will be opened at a time published in the official bid documents on the date scheduled for the Commission meeting, during which meeting the purchase of the temporary notes or bonds will be awarded.
Weighted Local Preference Policy for Formal Sealed Bids
Recognizing that our citizens financially support this community, providing local vendors with a weighted bid process in order to keep our tax dollars in Pittsburg is desired.
Local Pittsburg vendors shall receive preference in the amount of 5%. The local preference applies to businesses in an area within a mile of the City of Pittsburg corporate limits. However, in a case where a bidder within the corporate City limits and a bidder outside the City limits are the lowest bidders (including the preference), then the bidder within the City limits would be awarded the contract. Local Pittsburg vendors shall receive preference in the amount of 5%.
The weighted bidding process is subject to the following requirements:
- There must be at least two bids submitted.
- The local Pittsburg vendor must comply with the bidding procedures.
- The weighted bidding process shall not apply to construction projects, or to combined construction and equipment projects where construction costs exceed 50% of the total project.
- The bid selected must still constitute the lowest and best bid submitted.
- The weighted local bidders’ policy is not applicable to purchases involving grant funds.