Event Series Senior Bingo

Senior Bingo

COST: $0.50 PER MEETING $0.25 PER CARD START AT 1:00PM SNACKS AT 2:00PM --- Jan. 10 & 17 | Lincoln Center, 710 W 9th St. NO Bingo Feb. March 7...

Planning Commission/Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting

Beard-Shanks Law Enforcement Center courtroom

The Planning Commission/Board of Zoning Appeals will hold its regularly-scheduled meeting inside the Beard-Shanks Law Enforcement Center, 201 N. Pine St., Pittsburg. For additional information, contact Kim Froman at (620)...

A Taste Of Ireland – The Irish Music & Dance Sensation

Memorial Auditorium 503 N. Pine St., Pittsburg

After premiering Off-Broadway last season, ‘A Taste of Ireland―The Irish Music & Dance Sensation’ returns to stages across the USA in 2025, performing the show that has entertained thousands around the globe....

Airport Advisory Board Meeting

City Hall 201 W. 4th St, Pittsburg

The Airport Advisory Board will hold its regularly-scheduled, quarterly meeting at City Hall. Meetings are held on the first Monday in Feb., May, Aug., and Nov. For details, contact Bill...

Active Transportation Advisory Board Meeting

Pittsburg Public Utilities Annex 1506 N. Walnut St., Pittsburg

The Active Transportation Advisory Board will hold its regularly-scheduled monthly meeting at the Pittsburg Public Works & Utility office, 1506 N. Walnut St., Pittsburg. ATAB typically meets on the first...

Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting

City Hall 201 W. 4th St, Pittsburg

The Economic Development Advisory Committee will have their regularly-scheduled monthly meeting at City Hall. The EDAC typically meets on the first Wednesday of each month, as needed. For more information,...

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